
Friday, July 4, 2008

Career Course ::: Career In Agriculture



Graduates (BSc) in Agriculture have the option to join a master's course in one of the following specialisations:

  • Agronomy - The science and of crop production and soil management.
  • Genetics - Study related to genes and heredity
  • Plant Breeding - To effect desired improvements in the properties of plants.
  • Soil Science
  • Horticulture - Science deals with cultivation and management of fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants.
  • Seed Technology
  • Entomology - The branch of zoology deals with insects and their commercial usefulness.
  • Plant Pathology (or phytopathology) deals with the cause and the remedy of plant diseases.
  • Agriculture Economics.
  • Extension - Related to problems of out of school education for adults and youths.
  • Animal Husbandry - Deals with feeding, breeding and management practices of animals.

Job Opportunities:


In the areas of research one can become an Agricultural Research Scientists (ARS). The recruitment to these posts is made through combined entrance. ARS NET is conducted for lectureship and scholarship to candidates who have passed PhD.


The second option is to become an Agriculture Development Officers (ADO) which post is equivalent to that of the Block Development Officers (BDO). Recruitment to these posts is made on the basis of an entrance test.


Thirdly you have the option to apply for the post of a Research Scientist to organisations in the private sector. There your services may also be utilised in the laboratories in private labs. The desired qualification required for this purpose is at doctoral level i.e. a Ph.D.


Fourthly, a number of vacancies for scientific and technical posts (like Scientist III, Scientists II and Scientists I, Farm Technicians (after class X), Lab Technicians and Workshop Staff) related to research in agriculture, biotechnology and genetics are advertised by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), New Delhi.


After doing your B.Sc. you are eligible to apply for jobs offered by banks, finance and insurance companies. Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India and the nationalised banks offer openings for postgraduates in agriculture and allied areas as Field Officers, Rural Development Officers and Agricultural and Probationary Officers. Besides these, job opportunities also exist in the areas of farm management, land appraisal, grading, packaging and labelling. Both in the public and private sectors jobs are also offered in the field of marketing and sales, transportation, farm utilities, storage and warehousing etc.

Career opportunities in Agro-industry Sector:

Agro-industry provides jobs to scientists, engineers, technologists, sales and marketing people, besides the production people. These areas of work relate to production, food processing, grain and seed processing, meat and poultry packing, dairy processing, fats and oils, textiles, fibres, machinery and equipment, fertiliser and lime, pesticides, herbicide, feed manufacturing, constructions, etc. for which people with adequate knowledge, in the respective fields are required.


Services Sector:


In order to regulate the functions of adequate and timely supply of seeds, chemicals, ferttilizers, etc. at genuine price, as also to regulate quality of the food products supplied for consumption by people, there is requirement for people to inspect, grade, quality control chemicals, plants and animal quarantine, agricultural technicians, agricultural consultants, agricultural statisticians, veterinarians, foreign agricultural service, inspection and regulation, food and feed, seed and fertiliser. There are several Government agencies at centre, state and district levels, which make appoints of agricultural employees. In addition, at the international level the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nation and some other agenices related to the development of agriculture also appoints consultants.




Various corporations providing job opportunities to agriculturists include National Seed Corporation, State farm Corporation, Warehousing Corporation and Food Corporation.


Agricultural Engineering:


This branch of engineering provides better job prospectus as compared to other branches. Their job is related to activities aimed at improving agriculture, reconstructing rural areas in general and agricultural machinery, power, farm structures, soil and water conservation, rural electrification, etc.


Agriculture Management:


Job opportunities also exist in this relativelynew area. Some of courses have been included in this mail


Job opportunities are also available in estates and tea gardens.

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