
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Scholarship Available



Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Up to six research projects in the field of applied economics, preferably addressing macroeconomics, monetary policy, international economics, econometrics, banking finance or the labour market would be selected by the Banco de Espana .The research work shall be conducted on the premises of the Research, International Affairs or Financial Stability Departments of the Banco de Espana in Madrid. Projects should be completed within a maximum period of twelve months, commencing September 1, 2008. Selected candidates will receive compensation of a gross monthly amount ranging from Euros 4000 to Euros 6000. The Banco de España will also defray the return travel expenses of selected candidates and, where appropriate, those of their spouse and children, from their habitual place of residence to Madrid by the most direct route.

• Requirements:

Candidates must hold a doctorate, PhD or equivalent degree, have proven research experience in subjects related to one or more of the areas indicated above and have full command of spoken and written English.

• To apply:

Please refer to the "Empleo" section at to avail the form.

• S u b m i s s i o n :

June 30, 2008

Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship Programme

The Hubert H H u m p h re y Fe l l ow s h i p Program, brings a c co m p l i s h e d mid-level professionals from developing countries to the United States for ten months of nondegree graduate study and related practical professional experiences. The fellowships are awarded in various fields as specified on The priority field for India for 2009 is agricultural development/agricultural economics.Visit for more details. The fellowship provides tuition and fees, a

   monthly maintenance allowance, accident and sickness program for

   exchanges per US Government

   guidelines, a modest allowance for

   books and supplies, round-trip

   international air travel to the host

   institution, domestic travel to the

   Washington, D C seminar, and

   allowances for professional activities such as field trips, professional visits, and conferences.


• Requirements:

Applications from
   all the listed fields are welcome. In case of 'Teaching of English as a Foreign Language,' applications are invited from curriculum specialists and teacher trainers who work in teacher training institutes, public or private organisations concerned with English language teaching and development. Candidates should preferably have a first class Master's or a professional degree of at least four years duration with a minimum of five years professional experience. Applicants for NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) fellowships should have a doctoral degree in health, behavioural or social sciences (PhD or an equivalent), or a MD (Doctor of Medicine); have at least five years of substantial professional experience in the respective field, and be eligible for leave; preferably be 45 years of age or under; and give an undertaking to return to India on completion of the fellowship. Internet-based Test (iBT) TOEFL will be required. NIDA applicants should be mid-level research managers and policy makers in drug abuse prevention programs, health or social services industries, universities or medical facilities with proven track records in research. Professionals employed by social welfare, education or community-based organisations may also apply if they meet other eligibility criteria.

• To Apply:

Log on to through appropriate links for application procedures, guidelines and to download application material

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